Muskoka Fog

Recipe makes 1 serving Ingredients:
- Steep earl grey tea in boiling water, or if you have a kettle with temperature control, heat water to 212°F, add hot water to your tea pot or your cup and lower in your steeper basket. Steep for 2-3 minutes or longer for desired taste.
- While the tea is steeping, simmer oat milk in a small saucepan on the stove. Using a hand held frother, froth the warm oat milk until it is fluffy and cloud like (about 45 seconds). If you have a frothing machine for your counter top you can add the oat milk to the machine and froth to desired temperature.
- When the tea is done steeping, strain the tea leaves or remove the reusable tea bags. You may also add a pinch of maple to taste if you have a sweet tooth.